The Foot of Blue Mountain

Disastrum Play Report 3


Another session of Disastrum! Just want to say I am having a ton of fun with this game; it's my first time really being on the player side of a sustained hexcrawl and I'm enjoying the exploration a ton!

Incolebantur ab persona

Balthazar the Magnificent's Notes on the 5th of April

Reuniting with Dr. Trefutis was eventful. He began with a recounting of his travels, which was just as peculiar as our own. Then he asked me to recount the nature of my gift to him (which I happily did) and asked the rest of the camp that the slanderous besmirching of my name cease.

After these conversations had concluded, we turned our eyes towards further planning. The many conversations culminated in several members of our original party heading back to New Dunster with a canoe, promising to return posthaste and bring supplies. Bidding these intrepid resuppliers adieu, we turned our attention upriver, where Dr. Trefutis alleged was a great source of food.

Heading upriver to confirm these suspicions we came upon a grove of cicadas. The cicaadas were immensely overgrown, reaching the size of small cats and trying in vain to flap their wings. Balthazar the Environmentally Progressive knows that cicadas are edible and so instructed Bree to begin harvesting them for sustenance.

While we were harvesting, we came upon a peculiar sight. What appeared to be infants had sprouted, umbilical cord and all, from the shells of the nymphs and were on the ground crying. Eventually, adult cicadas sprouted from these infants, at which point they appeared completely identical to the aforementioned giant cicadas.

More searching led us to another group of scavangers, likely between 5 and 7 in number. Balthazar the Barely-Seen is a master of bending the shadows around him (and the ambient cicada noise was more than enough to obscure the sound of his passage) so we avoided these without incident.

Finally, we came upon a group of 7 multi-legged humanoids which spoke our tongue and parleyed with Bree. As part of the negotiations, we "gave our memories" to the creatures, wherein they touched their forehead to hours. What a despicable sensation followed!

Afterwards, the creatures asked for my assistance in sending a message to their superiors. I provided this aid and performed the service flawlessly, as is my wont. Afterwards, the creatures asked after King James. Balthazar the Navigator deftly pointed due East, where England lies with respect to Colonial Virginia.

Still hunting the cicadas, we have fallen upon seven cicada husks, inscribed in blood with strange magical symbols surrounding a tunnel entrance. I have been left here to transcribe the symbols while my compatriots returned to gathering cicadas. They have a certain allure to them that interests me greatly, but Balthazar the Notary decided it would be best to detail the bulk of his adventures thus far (since his notebook and charcoal were already at hand). They are quite interesting symbols

[Note: these leaves of Balthazar's Notes are covered in splotches of dirt and touched by fingers far too different from the type normally found on his accounts; it is likely the document changed hands not long after it was written]

I awoke in a burrow, being dragged from the husk of a transparent cicada covered in bloody runes, surrounded by dirt and my slightly dirtier companions. Burning in Bree's eyes was the glint of silver not yet delivered. I do not know if I will be able to pay her...

Rest assured that Balthazar the Deeply-Pocketed will undoubtedly find a way.